How to get rid of parasites and start living?

In the modern world, it is difficult to meet a person who controls his body, emotions and behavior completely independently. The body is full of internal and external parasites that control its life.

Internal human parasites

Parasites in the intestine

During the transition to a healthy diet, people often complain about eating trends and they want to eat more and more. In fact, this happens frequently and may last for 6 to 8 months, sometimes even a year or a few years, depending on many factors. It depends on the uncompromising nature of proper nutrition, additional detergents used, frequency, level of physical activity, social circle, food quality.

One of the main reasons for constant eating is that, first of all, healthy cells are eager to finally get enough food (fruits and vegetables) for life. They have been starving for years and worry that the large amount of live food will stop at any time. Therefore, for some time, they were often asked to eat. Second, by switching to a healthy diet (such as a raw food diet), we deprive the parasites of daily food, and they also need food. You can think of it as a strong sense of hunger or a craving for food. If you keep the raw food form, the parasite will not be able to meet the demand and will need food again. You may think: "I just finished eating, I want to eat again. "

Parasites are different. They are worms, sometimes reaching impressive sizes; at the cellular level, there are also cellular parasites and various fungi. Parasites can live in almost all parts of the human body. Most of them are in the digestive tract. But they are often found in the respiratory tract, liver, genitals and even the brain. Also at the unit level. In the body of a dieter, 1-2% of body cells are replaced by parasitic foreign cells every year. Nerve endings penetrate them, and they need food. The brain receives information about diet and taste preferences. People bear these impulses for themselves.

Causes of parasites in the body

The formation of parasites is based on eating habits. If a person eats a lot of meat, then the person who loves him will produce parasites. If you eat a lot of bread, there will be parasites that like flour. If it is sweets-they encourage sweets. If you eat a lot of dairy products, corresponding types of parasites will form. Everyone has their own preferences. When forming a family of drug-resistant parasites, they increasingly need food they like. Then the man said: "I can't live without this (sweet, meat, cheese. . . )! I love it very much! " Therefore, the parasite paralyzed the will. You want to break those products that those parasites want.

It is worth noting that avoiding external parasites is almost useless. They are ubiquitous and penetrate into the human body through food, breath and skin.A sweet tooth may be a sign of internal parasites. Their presence can enhance our immunity. If we have strong immunity, healthy liver, and inner purity, we will not be afraid of parasites.

So let us figure out how parasites manifest in raw gourmets, what promotes their reproduction, and how to get rid of them and clean them.

One of the characteristics of parasites is that when they switch to a raw food diet, their weight drops dramatically, especially in thin people. Most crisis situations are also caused by certain parasites. The desire to give up everything and eat the usual cooked food is also related to this. Especially when accompanied by emotional outbursts. The presence and manifestations of parasites are conditions such as hoarse cough, indigestion, sudden increase in temperature, suppuration of the eyes, allergic reactions, and excessive sweating at night.

The parasite's favorite foods are artificial sweets, candies, biscuits, cakes, waffles; milk, cheese and other dairy products. A large amount of mucus is the best environment for the survival and reproduction of parasites. Therefore, it is important to eliminate sticky food and actively remove mucus.

Arnold Eret described this in his book 100 years ago, and demonstrated his way of life. The most viscous foods are dairy products, starchy foods, potatoes, all bread and flour, protein products, meat, fish, eggs, beans, everything cooked to a certain degree or another form will form mucus in the body, And created an environment for parasites. Almost all fruits, herbs, and leafy vegetables are non-sticky products. Root crops, raw starchy vegetables, unbaked seeds and nuts, and sprouted grains are all low mucus.

Enema anti-parasitic intestinal cleansing

Ways to clean the body

Fasting is an excellent and most effective way to remove mucus. When fasting, mucus will be excreted, parasites have no food, some will disappear, and some will die of hunger. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce fasting into your lifestyle at least 1 day a week.

Any colon cleansing is anti-parasitic, because most parasites accumulate in it. In the past, rotten products from unhealthy food piled up there.

Cleaning the liver (such as rose hips, apples) is also very important, because many parasites are found in stagnant bile, blocked ducts, bile and liver stones.

In addition to cleaning the colon and liver, it is worth adding a special anti-parasitic cleaning method, which has been introduced a lot on the Internet. This can be eucalyptus bark, garlic, soda, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Parasites cannot tolerate bitterness and sourness. These flavors also stimulate the secretion of bile, which creates an environment where parasites are difficult to survive.Anti-parasites in grapefruit juiceMany herbs, plantain, dandelion and cow d leaves have a bitter taste. They can be included in green cocktails and salad dressings. Nettle, parsley, raspberry leaves, strawberries, blueberries, mint, garlic and onions also have anti-parasitic effects. Carrot and pumpkin juice can repel certain parasites.

In the sour taste, lemon juice can resist parasites. It is best to dilute with 1: 1 or 1: 2 grapefruit juice, while orange juice has a smaller dilution. Infusion of pomegranate juice and pomegranate peel, sour apple, viburnum, blueberry, raisin, gooseberry.

Eating all these foods in a healthy diet, as well as the above cleaning and regular fasting, can effectively eliminate parasites. The result is a reduction in the cleansing crisis of raw food transitions, weight normalization, reduced food consumption and the desire to eat more. There are fewer chances of failure, more intensity and energy.

Human external parasites

In addition to internal parasites on the body, there are also consciousness parasites, speech parasites and external parasites. The more we are attacked by them, the more vulnerable we are to physical microorganisms. On the contrary, the more physical parasites, the more difficult it is to resist external microorganisms.

External parasites are structures. People ask for different bribes. They are the complainants; patients who are not responsible for their own health, robots, attackers, and many types of advertisements.

Consciousness parasite

These are all kinds of fears, worries, obsessions, obsessions. They are usually produced by the media, politicians, and social structures. Getting rid of this parasite is a way of spiritual growth and getting rid of various addictions, restrictions and fears.

External human parasites

Speech parasites

These are platitudes of speech, jargon, verbal rubbish and swearing. Getting rid of them is mindfulness and pure speech, which is an interesting form of meditation and self-observation.

In order to get rid of external parasites, it is important to learn to reject, not compromise, and not be manipulated. The important thing is to form compassion in yourself so as not to harden your soul. The important thing is to have goals and be aware of them.

Pay attention to body hygiene, pay attention to the internal and internal cleanliness of the body, because getting rid of parasites is an interesting and important direction for self-development.